Teacher Sam

Hello! I’m Sam.

I like smooth jazz, reading newspapers and red wine. Maybe I’m living the life of a slightly older person! When I’m not teaching, I’m travelling my way around the world going wherever covid-19 restrictions allow. I’m currently in Honduras, a small country in Central America. I live on a dirt road in a small town called Gracias. It’s famous for its rolling hills and world class coffee farms.

I drink too much tea and coffee! I even tried to grow a coffee plant myself but it died. No plants in my care seem to survive. I’m much better music! I play the piano and the violin. When I was at school, I used to DJ too! I was never very good, but it was a great way to get invited to all the high school parties :p

I look forward to writing some more on my blog, and seeing what you write too! I can’t wait to see your stories!

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